You may not interact personally with all of your investors but building and maintaining investor relationships effectively is within your grasp – and essential to ensuring the steady availability of investment capital. With investor relations proficiency you can build and maintain the ideal investor relationship with hundreds or thousands of shareholders. engaging them effectively at every stage.

First Impression

The first your investor hears of you, from the financial advisor, will be because of your investment returns and the professional reliability of your investor relations team. The fact that your investments are known to the industry and confidently recommended by advisors is due in large part to the reputation actively fostered by investor relations.


Deciding to invest with your fund and then pulling the trigger means the investor has reviewed your offering on and offline, interacted with your digital and physical materials and engaged with your investor onboarding process. Investor relations is an integral part of all of these touch points. The level of respect shown to the investor through this process will depend on the expertise and concern of your investor relations team.


If your investors feel fully informed, in touch with the activity of the fund and reassured about their investment it is because of ongoing investor relations efforts. With timely execution of distribution payments, capital calls, proxies, confirmations and notifications investor relations keeps investors feeling an active part of the enterprise.


When it’s time for tax forms, profile updates, transfers and updates, the easy certainty of investor relations performance is reassuring to investors. Responsive phone support, multifunctional web portal access and consistent email and mail communication from investor relations delivers investors a freedom from any uncertainty with regard to your fund.


Timely and reliable execution of day-to-day investor relations matters means investor interaction with management is only substantive and high-quality reflecting a professional organization. Investor relations relieves you of all but the most productive conversations with investors.


The reason for the investment is the return on capital but it is up to your investor relations team to see that returns are clearly and advantageously expressed. The readability of statements, the clarity of the waterfall structure and the distribution history carefully elucidated by investor relations show the investor the real benefit of having invested with you.

Brand Loyalty

There is a shared pride in a strong brand. Quality materials, strength of image and consistent professional services from investor relations along with solid returns from management promote investor loyalty and a gratification for the investor in the association with your firm.


One measure of investor relations success is investor referrals. Only an investor genuinely impressed by the overall performance of a sponsor will recommend an investment to friends, family and colleagues. Financial advisors are motivated by all the same considerations.


By the time an investor comes to consider a reinvestment with your firm, investor relations should have made the investor feel very much part of the family. This is the ultimate measure of investor relations success.


Your investors should enjoy the feeling that they were smart to have invested with you. Investor relations efficiency, responsiveness and quality branded deliverables are an integral part of showing the investor the wisdom of having partnered with your firm.

You don’t need to have regular personal contact with your investors to give them a unique and gratifying experience that inspires reinvestment if you have the right outsourced investor relations team.